Monday, February 28, 2011

2-28-2011 (59 of 365)

Today you get a lesson on Natural Gas power plants.

This is the Lake Side Power Plant in Vineyard, where there is no smoke the sometimes huge plume coming up from the plant is water vapor and nothing more. The plant is two and a half times cleaner than coal-fired plants and emits virtually no particulate matter into the air, or sulfur dioxide.

The plant produces upwards of 600 megawatts of power on the coldest days, and 540 megawatts on average, officials said. The machinery runs at 56 percent efficiency, almost double some older plants, and just 4 percent lower than the most efficient plant in the world.

The plant is owned by PacifiCorp and is part of a network that provides power to 1.6 million people in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington and California.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2-27-2011 (58 of 365)

Today Garrett got ready for church and we decided he would look very nice in his shiny new soccer cleats he got yesterday but his mother did not think the same she noticed as soon as he went to get his hair done.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2-26-2011 (57 of 365)

Kenny's Futsal team won the Northcentral Futsal Regionals today in the U-12 division.

Friday, February 25, 2011

2-25-2011 (56 of 365)

Snow formed on the trees instead of leaves last night. Someday spring will come.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

2-24-2011 (55 of 365)

The Northcentral Futsal Regionals kicked off tonight with a visit from Real Salt Lake's Javier Morales. Kenneth was pretty excited to get his photo taken with him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2-23--2011 (54 of 365)

Hi my name is Adam and I am an Addict. I am addicted to sunsets. I start watching outside to the west about 3 pm wondering what it is going to look like tonight and where can I best capture it. Is there help out there for my kind? I know it wont last long once summer arrives and the clouds are gone I will be cured. At least for a couple of months that is. Until then I will enjoy what I can. Thanks for listening. My name is Adam and I am an addicted to sunsets.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2-22-2011 (53 of 365)

Kenneth and Garrett present whats left of tonight's sunset. We just missed it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

2-21-2011 (52 of 365)

Blueberry Cheese Cake. That's what I had for my lunch desert today at the Hall Family Annual Presidents Day Picnic.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2-20-2011 (51 of 365)

Tonight Kenneth and I tried our hand at light painting. I can't wait for warmer weather to do more of these.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2-19-2011 (50 of 365)

Guess where my Sweetheart and I went to dinner tonight???? Yummy.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2-18-2011 (49 of 365)

Arbys for dinner tonight.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2-17-2011 (48 of 365)

Today while I was at lunch I found this American Kestrel Falcon that had just caught it's lunch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2-16-2011 (47 of 365)

More ice blowing off of Utah Lake today. All of this pile of ice has come on shore since last night. This pile is 30 ft high.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2-15-2011 (46 of 365)

Today I present to you a perfect "10". My wonderful wife will not let me post a picture of her so this was the next best thing I could come up with.

Monday, February 14, 2011

2-14-2011 (45 of 365)

Today is Valentines Day so I made a trip up to West Jordan and picked up some goodies for the kids. These are cupcakes from The Chocolate, I know I know this doesn't look like chocolate but my Sweetheart got some of their chocolate dipped strawberries (her favorite). Please check out all of today's pictures, the one at the bottom is my version of a picture I saw today on Flickr. I thought it was quite fitting for the day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2-13-2011 (44 of 365)

This is my Sister Carla's, son Javen. He was blessed in Church today.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2-12-2011 (43 of 365)

Today the Boy's and I made it down to the Provo Boat Harbor to see the big piles of Ice that have blown up to the end of the dikes that form the marina. These piles were about 25 feet high. The boys had a great time playing on them and did not want to leave.

Friday, February 11, 2011

2-11-2011 (42 of 365)

Today was our first try at spinning fire, I think it turned out pretty cool. I cant wait to do some more in warmer weather.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2-10-2011 (41 of 365)

Rows of staples is what you get today, one up and one down.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2-9-2011 (40 of 365)

Ice that has blown on shore off of Utah Lake at the Saratoga Springs Harbor 2-9-2011. These slabs of Ice are 8-9 inches thick and some up to 6 feet wide in this location the piles are 6-8 feet high. Just to the south of the Harbor there is a pile that is 30 + feet high but I could not get to it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2-8-2011 (39 of 365)

I took this on the way to work this morning. It is directly West of the Mount Timp Temple.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2-7-2011 2nd pic

Another pic for today. This is a Pronghorn off the side of SR 68 in Saratoga Springs. This is also actual size no cropping. I was stopped off the side of the road and it just kept coming closer and closer. There were about 45 in this field.

2-7-2011 (38 of 365)

Today we have a Hawk on a fence. This is not cropped this is the actual size of the picture I took. It let me get quit close to it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2-6-2011 (37 of 365)

Today's picture is of Garrett helping Aspyn fix her hair as we were getting ready for church. Those two are quit the pair.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2-5-2011 (36 of 365)

Tonight's sunset as seen from AF Boat Harbor.

Friday, February 4, 2011

2-4-2011 (35 of 365)

My other Camera is a D 200.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2-3-2011 (34 of 365)

This is from tonight's Futsal Game. Kenny's Team won 4-0. He played a great game.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2-2-2011 (33 of 365)

Today's picture is of a trackhoe that is working the road construction on SR-92 by Micron. As I passed by it looked like it was going to go off the ledge it was working from. I had my camera in my hand and hurrired and snapped this pic.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2-1-2011 (32 of 365)

It was to cold outside today to take to many pictures so I took this from my truck out the window. The flags are showing how hard the wind was blowing. The outside temp according to my truck thermometer was 14°, I am not sure what the wind chill was but I know it was to cold to get out and take pictures. Burrrrrrrr.