Friday, August 12, 2011

8-11-2011 (223 of 365)

More home decorations.

8-10-2011 (222 of 365)

This fish hangs from one of the decorations in our family room.

8-9-2011 (221 of 365)

Does anyone else think that this chair is looking at them??? My wife thinks I am NUTS.

8-8-2011 (220 of 365)

My wedding rings, tie tack, collar clip, and tie clip.

8-7-2011 (219 of 365)

Trim those daggers will you.

8-6-2011 (218 of 365)

Went home for lunch today it was about 1:39 pm when this was taken :)

8-5-2011 (217 of 365)

Sprite bottle.

8-4-2011 (216 of 365)

Took this picture tonight while out driving with Jessica. The storm had a lot of lightening and amazing color in the sky as the sun was setting. The streaks of light in the photo are from cars that were passing us as we drove down the street.

8-3-2011 (215 of 365)

Another gorgeous sunset tonight. We sure have had some great sunsets lately.

8-2-2011 (214 of 365)

Ya that is a 42, fortunately for us the smoke alarms did not go off.

8-1-2011 (213 of 365)

The storms just keep coming this week. Here is another set of dark clouds moving in on us in Lehi today.

7-31-2011 (212 of 365)

Sunrise over looking Heber Valley.

7-30-2011 (211 of 365)

This was what it looked like outside my truck while taking pictures of the passing Meteor shower tonight. Kenny and I spent the night in the truck trying to capture shooting stars.

7-29-2011 (210 of 365)

Logs in the Stream going in to Cascade Springs.

7-28-2011 (209 of 365)

I took Jessica to get her learner permit today. I did not let her drive home but I did take her out driving later in the evening.

7-27-2011 (208 of 365)

Sunrise this morning from home with Iphone.

7-26-2011 (207 of 365)

Clouds moving in on Lehi.

Monday, July 25, 2011

07-25-2011 (206 of 365)

Left over Toast.

07-24-2011 (205 of 365)

This is the Tie I wore to church today.

07-23-2011 (204 of 365)

We went to the Real Salt Lake Game tonight and got to watch fireworks afterwards. Real won 4-0.

07-22-2011 (203 of 365)

The chain lock on our door.

07-21-2011 (202 of 365)

Just an old Memory chip.

07-20-2011 (201 of 365)

This is the control panel on our new Refrigerator.

07-19-2011 (200 of 365)

This is Kenneth's 2011 Utah State Cup Championship medal.

07-18-2011 (199 of 365)

This is Kenneth's 2010 Utah State Cup Championship medal.

07-17-2011 (198 of 365)

We stopped by the Rexburg LDS Temple on our way home from Island Park, the kids ate their lunch and I ran around the Temple taking pictures.

07-16-2011 (197 of 365)

Mother Grizzly on the look out. There are 2 cubs with her, if you look close you can see one on each side of her in the brush.

07-15-2011 (196 of 365)

This is a Black Bear we saw while in Yellowstone.

07-14-2011 (195 of 365)

This is Jessica at the rope swing that we went to while in Idaho.

07-13-2011 (194 of 365)

Dart board bulls eye.

07-12-2011 (193 of 365)

07-11-2011 (192 of 365)

Food storage Spaghetti O's.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

07-10-2011 (191 of 365)

Another Sunset from Home tonight.

07-09-2011 (190 of 365)

Kenny and I got up at 4:30 this morning to get up to Silver Lake Flat for the sunrise. It was a great morning to be there the water was calm and the few clouds lit up nicely for us, and Kenny also caught a few fish while we were there.

07-08-2011 (189 of 365)

Another spectacular sunset from home tonight.

07-07-2011 (188 of 365)

This is an address I took a picture of off of a computer screen to reference later but ended up not needing it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

07-06-2011 (187 of 365)

Tonight's sunset from home.

07-05-2011 (186 of 365)

Great lightning storm tonight.

07-04-2011 (185 of 365)

The flag at the Balloons.

07-03-2011 (184 of 365)

This tag is on my Boat Engine.

7-2-2011 (183 of 365)

Today is Allisons Birthday.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

07-01.5-2011 (182.5 of 365)

Today is the half way point of my photo a day project so here is a half glass of milk. Not sure if it is half full or half empty? Any thoughts?

07-01-2011 (182 of 365)

My poor PDA that doesn't get used any more now that I have an I Phone.

06-30-2011 (181 of 365)

Not sure what this is but it came with my tripod????

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

06-29-2011 (180 of 365)

A bottle of eye drops.

All caught up now, hopefully I can do better on keeping up now. Our vacation to Boise was a lot of fun, not much time for posting pictures.

06-28-2011 (179 of 365)

Here are a couple of pictures of my boys each at 4 years old showing off their muscles for the camera.

06-27-2011 (178 of 365)

Kenneth and I went up to Silver lake flat is American Fork Canyon tonight and took some night pictures, here is one of the Milky Way with other stars and their reflections in the water.

06-26-2011 (177 of 365)

The Level on one of my Tripods.

06-25-2011 (176 of 365)

This is an HDR of 3 photos that I took while in Boise. It is the Old Idaho State Penitentiary.

06-24-2011 (175 of 365)

On our way home from Boise we stopped at the Shoshone Falls just outside of Twin Fall Idaho. It was well worth the 12 mile detour.