Monday, July 25, 2011

07-25-2011 (206 of 365)

Left over Toast.

07-24-2011 (205 of 365)

This is the Tie I wore to church today.

07-23-2011 (204 of 365)

We went to the Real Salt Lake Game tonight and got to watch fireworks afterwards. Real won 4-0.

07-22-2011 (203 of 365)

The chain lock on our door.

07-21-2011 (202 of 365)

Just an old Memory chip.

07-20-2011 (201 of 365)

This is the control panel on our new Refrigerator.

07-19-2011 (200 of 365)

This is Kenneth's 2011 Utah State Cup Championship medal.

07-18-2011 (199 of 365)

This is Kenneth's 2010 Utah State Cup Championship medal.

07-17-2011 (198 of 365)

We stopped by the Rexburg LDS Temple on our way home from Island Park, the kids ate their lunch and I ran around the Temple taking pictures.

07-16-2011 (197 of 365)

Mother Grizzly on the look out. There are 2 cubs with her, if you look close you can see one on each side of her in the brush.

07-15-2011 (196 of 365)

This is a Black Bear we saw while in Yellowstone.

07-14-2011 (195 of 365)

This is Jessica at the rope swing that we went to while in Idaho.

07-13-2011 (194 of 365)

Dart board bulls eye.

07-12-2011 (193 of 365)

07-11-2011 (192 of 365)

Food storage Spaghetti O's.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

07-10-2011 (191 of 365)

Another Sunset from Home tonight.

07-09-2011 (190 of 365)

Kenny and I got up at 4:30 this morning to get up to Silver Lake Flat for the sunrise. It was a great morning to be there the water was calm and the few clouds lit up nicely for us, and Kenny also caught a few fish while we were there.

07-08-2011 (189 of 365)

Another spectacular sunset from home tonight.

07-07-2011 (188 of 365)

This is an address I took a picture of off of a computer screen to reference later but ended up not needing it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

07-06-2011 (187 of 365)

Tonight's sunset from home.

07-05-2011 (186 of 365)

Great lightning storm tonight.

07-04-2011 (185 of 365)

The flag at the Balloons.

07-03-2011 (184 of 365)

This tag is on my Boat Engine.

7-2-2011 (183 of 365)

Today is Allisons Birthday.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

07-01.5-2011 (182.5 of 365)

Today is the half way point of my photo a day project so here is a half glass of milk. Not sure if it is half full or half empty? Any thoughts?

07-01-2011 (182 of 365)

My poor PDA that doesn't get used any more now that I have an I Phone.

06-30-2011 (181 of 365)

Not sure what this is but it came with my tripod????