Monday, February 28, 2011

2-28-2011 (59 of 365)

Today you get a lesson on Natural Gas power plants.

This is the Lake Side Power Plant in Vineyard, where there is no smoke the sometimes huge plume coming up from the plant is water vapor and nothing more. The plant is two and a half times cleaner than coal-fired plants and emits virtually no particulate matter into the air, or sulfur dioxide.

The plant produces upwards of 600 megawatts of power on the coldest days, and 540 megawatts on average, officials said. The machinery runs at 56 percent efficiency, almost double some older plants, and just 4 percent lower than the most efficient plant in the world.

The plant is owned by PacifiCorp and is part of a network that provides power to 1.6 million people in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington and California.

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